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1.Instructor's Promotion of Students' Learning

  Low  High
The instructor was intellectually challenging. 
The instructor was skilled in helping students’ master relevant concepts and skills. 
The instructor encouraged students to take learning seriously and to think critically. 
The instructor encouraged students' intellectual self-reliance and self-motivation. 
Class assignments (e.g., homework, lab reports, papers, readings) were useful learning tools. 
The instructor presented material in a clear manner. 

2. Instructor's Organization and Ability to Establish Clear Expectations

  Low  High
Overall, the course was well organized. 
The instructor was well prepared for each class session. 
The instructor established clear expectations of students’ responsibilities. 

3. Instructor's Interaction with Students

  Low  High
The instructor showed concern for the students' understanding of the material. 
The instructor was respectful of a variety of viewpoints. 
The instructor was available during office hours and/or by appointment. 
The instructor led students to engage the course material. 

4. Instructor's Evaluation of Students' Learning

  Low Average High
Tests, quizzes, papers, and other coursework, etc., were consistent with the course’s contents and objectives. 
The instructor provided reasonable preparation for tests, quizzes, papers and other coursework. 
The instructor did a thorough job of evaluating my work. 

5. Overall Instructor and Course Evaluation

  Low  High
Provide an overall rating of your instructor. 
Provide an overall rating of this course. 

6. Overall Course Evaluation
a. Please describe what you think your instructor does best and what you think should be improved.


b. Please provide any feedback you have about the course that would be helpful for the instructor to know in preparing to teach this course again.


Created at 11/2/2014 11:13 PM by  
Last modified at 11/2/2014 11:13 PM by